Tuesday, February 17, 2009

valentines recap

my weekend was good started off on thurs. going on a straight flight up north to visit the boyfriend. got up there at a good time, but since i`m scared to death of planes i was trying to drink before i got on it but my dad was with me .. ughh oh well. it took it like a man and got in it. there was mild turbulence and all but it was an ok ride. spent alot of time together and made our first little breakfast together lmao, my hash browns came out a little burned but it`s ok becuase we both still ate em. i swear it rains wayyyyyyyy to much up north for my taste but it`s cool.. i had my little pea coat and did it moving. i was mad that roscoes chicken and waffles went outta business there in oakland .. thats like my fav. spot in the whole world and it was gone =( but yea i enjoy going up there but long distance things are kosher. you get sad and mad & all that mumble jumble becuase you dont see the person and then your phone bill gets all high. lol becuase you cant see each other ughh. i hateeee the rain though, it makes all the little cute hair styles and stuff not look cute anymore. my weave started to get all nasty and i had to keep flat ironing it lol. ughh, anyways i bought him a new sprint cell phone & i got a promise ring .. awww!! it was hella outta the blue and this fool had the nerve to say he had bought me something from walgreen`s. so it was hella outta the blue i was expecting a little trinket type shit like a freakin` teddy bear but yea i got back on sunday and now i`m at boring school getting rained on .. GREAT.


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