Tuesday, January 20, 2009

obama is fareals, they gotta put his face ona 5thousand dollah bill !

thee coolest obama picture yet.

it amazes me how things happen for a reason. while i was watching my favorite old people show, Oprah lol. she had all the little snippets and stuff about when Martin Luther King Jr. was alive & the march in Birmingham and all that etc. Its just soooo crazy how everything happens for a reason and how he died for a cuase. i mean he HAD to knw he was going to die ya knw? On one of the snippets they had on the Oprah show, it showed how when he was at the Lorraine Motel the day of his death with his other colleagues.. & he was eating his favorite meal, catfish lol whatta negro. anyways, & he looked at everyone in the room and said "everyone get a piece of something on this plate" .. & once he wnt outside with Jesse Jackson and the others he turned around to go back to the room & get his jacket and thats when he was then shot dead. for me at this young age, its still amazing to see how far the USA has gotten. like foreals this is really a historical moment. hopefully these black men&boys learn from Obama and become better as men and strive for the best. who knws if this will ever happen again. =)


Lique said...

i feel that,its a shock and an excitement all at once.That picture is wonderful!

MissNotice said...

im feelin it i got him on my page